Public transport connection between Tsaghkadzor and Sevan, Sayat-Nova St. Check out the departure times in the current timetable. Departure times from station Tsaghkadzor are in the local time. Thank you for riding public transport.

How do I get from Tsaghkadzor to Sevan?

The best way to get from Tsaghkadzor to Sevan without a car is by which takes approximately 0min.

Is there a direct between Tsaghkadzor and Sevan?

Unfortunately, there isn't any direct service. You can take departing from , change in and arriving in Sevan. The journey takes more than 0min.

Can I travel internationally to Sevan?

Some border closures are in place due to COVID-19 pandemic. Most travel to Armenia is restricted. For more information visit the Official COVID-19 Site for Armenia.